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Countstar on the ESACT Meeting at Edinburgh

August 07, 2024

Cell counter on EASCT

ALIT Biotech attended the 28th ESACT 2024 meeting of the European Society for the Advancement of Cell Technologies in Edinburgh, United Kingdom as Gold sponsor and exhibitor. Together with 63 companies, we presented our latest innovations in the field of image-based cell culture analysis (Countstar Castor intelligent cell analyzer) and perfusion culture in lab scale (Hvita). More than 1,000 delegates from all over the world were following a lecture Program with topics like “Cells as Factories and Therapies”, “Product Quality – Relevance and Assessment”, from “Big Data to Better Cells and Processes”, and “Transitioning from Development to Manufacture”. About 400 posters were presented by the participating scientists in the two exhibition areas of the EICC (Edinburgh International Conference Center).

Cell counter on ESACT

A focus of the visitors at our booth was lying on analyzers for use in cGMP processes (Countstar Mira HT High-throughput Cell Analyzer, and Countstar Mira FL Plus Fluorescence cell analyzer ). Also, the high-content-screening (HCS) system Countstar Castor with the 3D analysis features for organoids gained a lot of interest. Major biopharma companies were impressed by the performance data of our new analyzer series Countstar Mira.

Cell Analyzer

To learn more about the Countstar Mira HT , the Castor high-throughput platforms, and Mira FL Plus, please contact us at https://www.countstar.com/contact-us/. Our Applications Specialists are ready to assist you.

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